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Kelly Crews Realty
Your dwelling place is the heart of your existence. The place you rest your head and build your heritage. A dwelling can also be a short term investment, legacy property or part of a portfolio to build your retirement income. Whatever your needs may be you have come to the right place to do well.
Your dwelling place is the heart of your existence. The place you rest your head and build your heritage. A dwelling can also be a short term investment, legacy property or part of a portfolio to build your retirement income. Whatever your needs may be you have come to the right place to do well.
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Country Club Dr Escondido CA 92029 $ 749,999.00
— Now Available – Vision and inspiration welcome! This desirable location is hospital adjacent and has power, sewer and water to the site under Allenwood Lane. The property has two approved access routes, Dinara Dr from the west and Allenwood from the South. Current Zone by County of San Diego is A70 but tax reports…
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